Samsung Smart Fridge System
& Mi Fridge App
Concept design for the Samsung Family Hub system, including a humanoid assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence. The new system features a new app, Mi Fridge which compromises a food management program, healthy weight control tools, and video-guided recipes tailored for the whole family.


Aims And Objectives
In my opinion, at present, smart fridges are lacking in functional focus and are not concentrating enough on the user’s needs. Between LG, Whirlpool and Samsung
Electronics - the main manufacturers behind Smart fridges - they struggle to assess the real purpose of a fridge, which should be predominantly about food. It appears
they want to incorporate futile apps into the core functionality of the system, instead of a meaningful nutritional database. Therefore, my goal for the new conceptual
refrigerator is as follows:
Aims and objectives for the new smart fridge:
•Keeping the family healthy and reducing overweight/obesity
•Facilitating the cooking process by creating a new cooking experience with guided recipes in videos, matching the food available in the house (the fridge and
•Reducing food waste
It is achievable by introducing:
• An intelligent scaling system that keeps track of what is in your fridge and cupboard
• A virtual cooking assistant to help the consumer cook with vocal command* or screen touch**
• Artificial intelligence helps to prepare a meal with your available ingredients in line with the person’s daily needs linked to a “health ID”.
*Voice-commanded virtual assistant to ease the cooking process (avoiding having to clean hands every time the user needs to scroll down his/her phone or turn the
page of a cooking book).
** Screen touch would be a backup in case the voice command fails. For example, if the user loses his voice or has a virus that changes the tone of the voice.
It will also allow a guest to use the fridge app without having to set up the voice recognition system.

Mi Fridge app with vocal and screen touch command